Glenfiddich 15 Year Old Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ML
Glenfiddich 40%Vol
₨1,140.00 -
Glenfiddich 18 Year old Single Malt Scotch Whiskey 750ML
Glenfiddich 40%Vol
₨1,505.00 -
Glenfiddich Perpetual Collection Vat 01 1Litre
An exceptionally elegant single malt, suited to every palate, Vat 01 uniquely layers sweet and spicy notes for a soft and mellow taste.
₨1,150.00₨1,350.00Glenfiddich Perpetual Collection Vat 01 1Litre
₨1,150.00₨1,350.00 -
Glenfiddich Perpetual Collection Vat 02 1Litre
A sherried Glenfiddich originally released for the distillery’s travel exclusive Perpetual collection, this single malt was aged in Spanish Sherry casks
₨1,250.00₨1,550.00Glenfiddich Perpetual Collection Vat 02 1Litre
₨1,250.00₨1,550.00 -
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